Spanish Classes
We started our Spanish classes last night, and it was kick-ass. I am officially a graduate student at EAFIT, which stands for something, I'm sure, but I don't really know. I walk down there, which is about 2 or 3 miles, with Marlene, a 50-something Canadian teacher who is absolutely great. The class is 2 hours a night, 2 nights a week for the next 3 months. Our teacher is probably in his late 20's and speaks perfect English as well. I'm really excited about Wednesday because Marlene is staying at school for a guest speaker, which means I will have Spanish all by myself. I am hoping that by the time these classes are over, I'll be much better. I was a little unsure about spending 2 hours in class after a long day, and then coming home just in time for bed, but it's perfect. Watch out fluency, here I come.
I've gotta go run and meet a travel agent that comes to the school every Tuesday to help us plan trips. I'm working on getting Kelly, Alain, Paige, and Colby to Cartagena for Semana Santa (Holy Week) in April. As for the rest of you, without kids, THIS is the place you want to be. Don't make me regret getting a 3 bedroom apartment for my "guests" who never show up...
EAFIT appears to be "Escuela de Administración y Finanzas, Instituto Tecnológico" - I added a link to it on the right :)
Since you're making the big bucks over there, where's our tickets? We'll take 2 first class tickets...anytime really, we're not picky! LOL!!!
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